Looking for an Anti Bullying Speakers for Schools that actually make a difference? At reportbullying.com we offer a proactive approach to reducing bullying by focusing on education and the role of the bystanders.
The biggest problem I hear from teachers is that they hear the word bullying many times a day. Students are using the word bullying for everything. When you have Jim Jordan attend your school, he will educate students on what bullying really is. Jim will also talk about the differences between conflict and bullying, teasing vs. taunting, and telling for tattling.
In the back half, Jim will explain when you’re complacent you’re complicit. Most bystanders feel it’s not their problem when they witness bullying but they’re the ones that make a difference. educating bystanders on why they need to speak up is the key.
If you’re looking for an anti bullying speakers for schools, look no further. I promise you will not be disappointed. call today for more information and pricing at 1-866-333-4553