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Ways To Say “Very Good” to your child

If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate. If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world       You’re on the right You are

Dealing with Difficult People

Difficult People – How to Deal with them   Fred was hired to do a survey of supervisors and managers.  The survey was divided into 10 parts.  Two of those parts related to relationships; one was union relationships, the other human relationships.      When it came to union relationships, Fred found that the people who

Workplace Bullying

Bullying occurs in many ways, having many faces, and occurring in many different places and situations.   Bullying is a terrible insidious action that happens and it affects everyone involved.  Many people don’t even recognize that bullying is occurring.  We can easily observe bullying when we see someone going up to another person with a fist

Workplace Bullying Scenarios

Workplace Bullying has no place in society       Workplace Bullying Scenarios – What would you do? Scenario One S/he laughed at my joke. Doesn’t that mean that it was welcome? Remember, too, that often people feel uncomfortable setting boundaries. In this example, you may laugh at the joke because it was told by

What is workplace bullying

        Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, which detrimentally affects the work environment, or leads to adverse job-related consequences for victims of harassment. In order for behavior to be considered sexual harassment, it must contain three elements. It is of a sexual nature. It

Do boys and girls bully differently

        When it comes to bullying boys and girls can bully using the same actions but we do see a difference when we look at it as a whole. Boys do what we call direct bullying, this is punching, kicking, shoving, knocking books out of people’s hands, throwing things at another person.